





Eye health and good vision are important parts of your child’s development. About 80% of learning in a child’s first 12 years comes through the eyes. The American Optometric Association recommends that every child have a professional eye exam shorts after birth, by six months of age, and again just prior to entering school.

We recommend that your child’s eyes be examined regularly, as many vision problems and eye diseases can be detected and treated early. Nearly 10 million kids have undetected vision problems.

Below are clues that your child may be experiencing eye problems. If you are aware of any of these, we urge you to call our office and make an appointment with one of our eye doctors.

We have a wide variety of children's frames available to fit all budgets.

My child’s

  • Eyes don’t line up, one eye appears crossed or looks out We have a wide variety of children’s frames
    available to fit all budgets.

  • Eyelids are red-rimmed, crusted, or swollen

  • Eyes are watery or red (inflamed)

How does your child act?

  • Rubs eyes a lot

  • Closes or covers one eye

  • Tilts head or thrusts head forward

  • Has trouble reading or doing another close-up work or holds objects close to eyes to see

  • Squints eyes or frowns

What might they say?

  • My eyes are itchy.

  • My eyes are burning, or my eyes feel scratchy

  • I don’t see well

  • After doing close-up work, your child says “I feel dizzy,” I feel sick/nauseous,” or “I have a headache.”

  • “Everything looks blurry” or “I see double”

Please note that your child may have an eye problem even if he or she does not complain or has not shown any unusual signs. Therefore, it is critical to have yearly eye checkups.


Protect your child’s eyes while playing sports.

Whatever your child’s game or age, using the right protective eyewear can prevent most eye injuries.

Baseball, basketball, boxing, football, hockey, racquet sports, swimming, soccer, and volleyball account for two-thirds of sports-related injuries.

Children should wear sports eye protection that meets the standards set forth by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

Sports safety eyewear must be appropriate for the sport and the athlete’s size.

Protect your child’s eyes from sun damage.

The sun’s UV rays can damage your child’s eyes and cause serious vision problems later in life.

Have your child wear a brimmed cap and sunglasses when outside.

​​​​​​​Be sure to purchase polycarbonate lens sunglasses labeled to “absorb 99–100 percent of UV-A and UV-B rays.

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